
  • ENGR 2120: Engr Fund II: Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 3700: Electromagnetic Theory
  • ECE 3720: Semiconductor Devices 
  • ECE 5700: Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
  • ECE 5995: Special Topics in Quantum Engineering: Computing and Devices


Outreach (Inspiring the future photonics researchers!)

2021-present: K-12 Research Interns via the Secondary Student Training Program

Toor lab has mentored in-person and virtual high school secondary student training program (SSTP) interns every summer since 2021. The SSTP program is a highly selective and intensive summer research program for advanced high school students in grades 10-11 that recruit students from across the country. We have mentored students coming from the states of Illinois, California, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, among others. Professor Toor ensure a gender balanced team and recruits two female and two male students for the program each year. Example projects for SSTP interns have included Raspberry Pi based control electronics for biosensor data collection, MATLAB based optical modeling code, and 3D printed components for optoelectronics.

Two students wearing masks
Group photo of Prof. Toor with students


2018-present: Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) & Biomedical Engineering (BME) Undergraduate Capstone Senior Design Project Sponsorship

Professor Toor has sponsored undergraduate capstone senior design projects for the ECE and BME department teams since 2018. Example projects include a UV-disinfection system connected to a smartphone app, a DAQ for a cancer biosensor connected to a database for patient data collection, an automated  light-current-voltage (LIV) measurement setup for laser characterization.

Smartphone app
Screen reading "Welcome to PatientAware"


2015-present: Undergraduate Research Interns at the Toor Lab

Toor Lab has mentored over 40 undergraduate researchers in our lab since 2015. Several were funded by Professor Toor’s research programs or were Research Honors practicum participants. Others were competitively selected as  Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduate (ICRU) funded undergraduate research fellows. We have ICRU fellows in our lab since 2015, every single year. These undergraduate researchers have supported development of biosensors, environmental sensors, and nanotechnology-based optoelectronics, while being co-authors on peer-reviewed journal papers. Several ICRU interns have gone on to pursue top Ph.D. degree programs including at UI/or landed jobs at competitive employers, such as Collins Aerospace, SpaceX, etc.

Students with research poster
Student working in lab


2017: WiSE STEM Extravaganza at Kirkwood Community College, Coralville, Iowa


WiSE STEM Extravaganza participants

2016 (July): Solar Camp Iowa First Nations College of Engineering visitors

Thank you, Wenqi, for your help!

Solar camp participants

2016 (January): Photonics Camp partially funded by IEEE Photonics Society funding

Thank you, Wenqi, Ehteshamul, Ella, and Jason!

Image of Photonics Camp agenda
Photonics camp participants
Photo collage of photonics camp participants

2015 (December): Project Lead the Way Photonics Camp - Hiawatha, Iowa

Thank you, Wenqi and Ella

Project Lead the Way photonics camp participants

2015 (July): Solar Camp Iowa First Nations College of Engineering visitors

Thank you, LaurenLeland, and Ananda! 

Solar Camp participants