Matthew J. Thommana
Lab Position: Undergraduate Researcher (Spring 2016 - Summer 2016)
Matthew is an Electrical and Computer Engineering major at the University of Iowa. His research activities involve design of a gas sensor using LabView automation and data acquisition.
Matthew has participated in two summer internships at Rockwell Collins to-date. One based on Systems Engineering and the other on Integration Engineering. He owns a patent with his Dad, who is an engineer at Rockwell Collins, on implementing better spectrum harvesting techniques on battlefield.
Honors and awards: Recipient of 2016 Summer Iowa Center for Research by Undergraduates (ICRU) fellowship. Matthew is an honors student at the University of Iowa with a GPA of 3.78 (43 s.h.). He is also a Presidential Leadership Society Member and Golden Key Member at the University of Iowa, and the recipient of Phi Kappa Psi Scholarship Award.
Undergraduate Education: University of Iowa (Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering, Minor: Mathematics)