Krisha Kapoor
Lab Position: K-12 Researcher (June 21, 2021 – July 9, 2021 - Workplace Learning Connection - Summer Internship Program )
Krisha is a rising junior in high school with interests in computer programming, biotechnology, and engineering. She will be developing an automated DAQ system using Raspberry Pi, INA 219 current sensor, and a touch screen in a team setting.
Past experiences: Designed, built, and programmed robots to fulfill tasks and challenges for the past 5 years through the FIRST robotics program. Best in State Received a provisional patent for a water fountain filtration system design.
Her leadership experience involves: Build team leader for robotics team. Sports editor for West High School Newsmagazine, WSS. Varsity basketball.
Honors and awards: State title in Technology Student Association’s TEAMS competition 2021. Second place in State for the TEAMS web development competition 2021. Witinok Endowed Advancing Science Education Award 2019. Whitie Parker Science Award 2019. FIRST Dean’s list Semi-Finalist 2021.
High School: West High School in Iowa City, Iowa, USA