Greyson Davis
Lab Positions: Graduate Researcher - Spring 2022; Undergraduate Researcher - Fall 2021
Personal Webpage: LinkedIn
Greyson joined the Toor Lab in Fall 2021 as an undergraduate researcher and continued as a graduate researcher in Spring 2022. His research activities involved development of infrared laser medicine technologies.
Past Experiences: Greyson was an intern at Genova Technologies in Cedar Rapids during summer and fall 2021, developing software requirements and product verification on displays used in construction machinery.
Honors and Awards: Greyson was on the Dean's List at the University of Iowa every semester of his undergraduate degree program. He is the recipient of more than eight different merit and academic-based scholarships/awards including, Engineering @ Iowa Scholars Award, Iowa Scholars Award, Electrical Engineering Undergraduate Scholarship, Academic Success Scholarship, and Robert & Eleanor Williams Endowment Fund Scholarship.
Education: University of Iowa, B.S.E. (Major: Electrical and Computer Engineering)