Bingtao Gao
University of Iowa College of Engineering Dean's Fellow (2017-2021)
Postdoctoral Researcher at Zhejiang University (Professor Hongsheng Chen's group)
Lab Position: Ph.D. Candidate; Fall 2017 - Spring 2021
Ph.D. Dissertation Title: High sensitivity and selectivity vertically-oriented silicon nanowire array-based bioelectronic sensor platform
Bingtao joined the Toor Lab in 2017 and is a graduate student in the electrical and computer engineering department at the University of Iowa (UI). His research activities involve design, fabrication, and testing of next generation optoelectronic devices. Bingtao hails from the University of Southern California where he received a MS degree in electrical engineering with a focus on electric power.
Honors and Awards: University of Iowa College of Engineering Dean's Graduate Engineering Fellowship based on outstanding performance prior to UI (2017-2021); Third place in The Optical Society (OSA) 2018 After Image science photo contest
Undergraduate Education: University of Science and Technology of China, BS (Applied Physics), 2015